Trusted Mediator
Mediation is an often faster, less expensive and more satisfactory approach to dispute resolution than a lawsuit or arbitration. Attorney Joseph H. Spiegel’s experience as both a mediator and participant will help you decide whether to use this alternative to litigation.
Mediation is an informal and voluntary process through which a mediator facilitates negotiations between disputing parties, the primary objective being a mutually acceptable solution. The process allows disputing parties to choose their mediator, the date of mediation and how the dispute will be resolved. It is often faster and less expensive than litigation or arbitration.
Joseph H. Spiegel has served as a mediator for litigants for the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA – formerly the NASD and NYSE) and the AAA. He has been privately retained to serve as a mediator in numerous securities cases and is frequently lauded for his expertise and knowledge in helping parties find a suitable resolution in securities disputes.
Read this blog post to learn more about mediation.
Experience Matters
Joseph H. Spiegel has acted as an arbitrator and special mediator for the following organizations:
- New York Stock Exchange (Former Arbitrator)
- Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (Special Arbitrator for Large and Complex Cases)
- American Arbitration Association (Special Arbitrator for the Michigan Regional Large, Complex Case Dispute Resolution Program and Special Mediator)